In a similarly challenging move that required expert choreography, members of the Marshall Steam Team piloted our Stanleys (and our Packards, electric car and Model T, too) to their temporary winter “digs,” and, for once, Mother Nature cooperated. The steamers “blew off steam” before being bedded down for their long winter’s nap:
No less dramatic — and equally impressive (albeit without benefit of video) — was the work of our Lionel model trains team and the Auburn Valley Railroad crew. The model trains group dismantled and packed up the entire display that entertains young and old alike at every Steamin’ Day (and in between) in record time. If only we’d placed a time lapse camera to capture their hours and hours of work! The AVRR folks put in many long work days to not only batten down all hatches for the winter but also to pull up signal system lines and dismantle track that may be impacted by the construction project.
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